Genesis House of Olean operates two shelters for the homeless in our community.

Genesis House takes all referrals from the Cattaraugus County Department of Social Services on a space-available basis. Once they arrive at the Genesis House, a case manager meets with the person or family for an intake. During the intake, the case manager explains the rules and expectations, collects relevant information and begins to compile a list of resources and referrals they believe the family/individual would benefit from.

While the first goal is always to find permanent housing, additional goals are set. These can include finding a job, pursuing additional education, taking parenting classes, resolving an issue with law enforcement, continuing or starting treatment for addiction, seeking treatment for a medical concern, etc.

During their time at Genesis House, they meet with their case manager at least weekly to check on progress toward goals and housing searches. There is a weekly group meeting for education, issues that need to be discussed as a group, and assigning chores, which everyone living in the community is required to participate in.

Once permanent housing is found, we help with Aftercare. This includes help obtaining items needed to move into their new home, such as furniture, household items, kitchen supplies, and food.

Continued case management is provided as needed.

Adults are assigned a room and roommates in one of our six rooms at the Barry St. shelter. We can serve up to 17 adults at one time. Residents are responsible for their own care, including cooking their own meals, doing their own laundry, and keeping their assigned space neat and clean.

Families are assigned an apartment where the family can live independently until they find permanent housing. This allows each family to have a sense of independence while they navigate a difficult time. Families are responsible for keeping the apartment clean. We have shelter space for three families.

2024 Numbers: 


Meals were provided in 2024


Single Adults were housed at Genesis House in 2024


Nights of shelter in 2024

11 families with 15 children

were housed in 2024


Code Blue

On nights it is expected to be below 32 degrees out, Genesis House operates a Code Blue Warming Center.
Code Blue guests may come to the Barry St. shelter starting at 5 p.m. After a brief intake, guests are offered a hot meal and given a place to sleep for the night. They may do laundry and shower if they choose. If needed, they are provided with a change of clothes and very importantly, a new pair of socks.
In the morning, they are given a hot breakfast sandwich and encouraged to visit the Department of Social Services. Genesis House case managers are also available.
While we prefer that Code Blue guests are referred by the Department of Social Services, law enforcement or other agencies can also make Code Blue referrals. Individuals may also self-refer.
Although families can not be served in the Warming Center, Genesis House Code Blue staff can assist families in finding temporary emergency placements in partnership with Department of Social Services staff.

During the 2023-2024 Code Blue season, Genesis House provided 413 nights of emergency shelter to Code Blue guests.

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Services the Genesis House Provides to children, single adults, and families: 

  • Safe, temporary housing to the homeless

  • Information and referrals to outside agencies

  • Mentoring for guests through their stays

  • Help residents to discover what brought them to Genesis House and move them towards the steps they must take to regain their independence

  • Together the residents and staff provide nutritious meals

  • Contacts and support for past residents through our Aftercare Program after the family leaves the residence

  • Referrals for medical assistance

  • Case management even after residents leave Genesis House

  • Encouragement for residents to explore the various faith resources available to them within our community

  • An advocate for doctor visits, county appointments, etc.

  • All participants who complete our program obtain safe affordable housing, assistance furnishing their new home and so much more


" I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again" 

- Stephen Grellet